Health Resources
This page is dedicated to links promoting healthy living and frequently asked questions about your health


Vaccine Concerns and Questions
Parents Guide to Vaccinations
Childhood and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule
Adult Vaccine Schedule

Travel Information
Center for Disease Control Traveller's Page
Traveling with Children

Santa Clara County TB Information

Hepatits B
Hepatitis B Information

This list of sites is provided as a service for visitors. It should not be regarded as medical advice from a physician or substitute for a physician's evaluation. It is not an endorsement of the websites or the information provided by them. All information should be used at the patient's discretion.

316 Rosewood Avenue
San Jose, CA 95117 (map)
408 - 296 - 9800 | 408 - 296 -9805 fax
Business Hours M-F 8:30 AM - 6 PM
Saturdays 9 AM - 12 PM